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Ethics Assignment_Paper

Ethics Assignment_Paper

Q The United States of America is the richest country in the world. Per capita, the country spends more money on health for only a few, than any other country in the OECD group, including those countries with Universal “free” Medical care for all. Why does the US not provide free Healthcare for all of its citizens? For this Assignment, you are required to discuss what may be ethically wrong with the Government not providing free Health Care for all. Your Discussion MUST address the following: 1. The general context and definition of ethics. You must include in this discussion, the Consequentialist and Non-consequentialist theories of Ethics ------------------ 50 points 2. Discuss the Cost/Benefit Analysis that informs most ethical decision making and relate it to the possible rationale for Government’s decision in relation to healthcare in America ------- 50 points 3. Conclusion: In your opinion, make a case FOR and AGAINST Government’s decision on free Healthcare for all --------------- 50 points.

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For a long span of time, it has become known to all that, the United States is one among the wealthiest country that does have a universal health care system. But, in many cases, it is found that, even the significant but poor countries do have some kind of universal health care systems (Oderberg, 2000). Response to this question as to why the United States does not have a universal health care system is quite unique and it cannot be left aside. Further, in order to join the rest of the developed world, United States now is giving importance in recognizing that not possessing any universal health care system is something done out of compulsion and not a preference.